Space Data
The 4th Forum of Brazilian Space Industry is the big news in the 7th RM VALE TI schedule.
The Brazilian Space Industry Forum has become a reference for the sector in Brazil. In 2020, a Brazilian Space Agency (AEB), in partnership with São José dos Campos Technology Park, will hold an event with the objective of stimulating the participation of the private sector and creating a new space business environment in Brazil. The fourth edition seeks to strengthen the value chain of the space sector, identify and attract companies in the applications segment, and demonstrate the means of its transversally the importance of space economics for the country’s socioeconomic development.
20th October – Tuesday
11:30 - 11:45
Opening Session
Marcos Pontes, Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovações – MCTI
Carlos Augusto Teixeira de Moura, Presidente da Agência Espacial Brasileira (AEB)
Clezio Marcos De Nardin, Diretor do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)
Tenente-Brigadeiro do Ar Hudson Costa Potiguara, Diretor do Departamento de Ciência e Tecnologia Aeroespacial (DCTA)
Marco Antonio Raupp, Diretor Geral do Parque Tecnológico de São José dos Campos – PqTec
Júlio Hideo Shidara, Presidente da Associação das Indústrias Aeroespaciais do Brasil (AIAB)
Emerson Granemann, CEO da MundoGEO
11:45 - 13:00
What to expect for the Space Sector?
How can space technologies impact the productivity and the quality of agricultural production? In this panel you will have the opportunity to learn about the new initiatives and the relationship between these two important economic sectors.
João de Mendonça Naime, Embrapa
Christian Vitorino, TecTerra
Yasunori Yamasaki, AxelSpace
Leonardo Antolini, Kynetec/Kleffmann Group
João Paulo Campos, Visiona Tecnologia Espacial
14:00 - 15:00
Space Sector Financing
The space sector is an area so strategic and important to Brazil that it was included among the priorities for the Brazilian Constitutional Fund for Financing in the Northeast 2021. Join the conversation and understand the financing options and how to be attractive to private investment funds.
Raphael Roettgen, E2MC
Maxime Puteaux, Euroconsult
Frank Salzgeber, Agência Espacial Europeia – ESA
Sarah Fleischer, Agência Espacial de Luxemburgo – LSA
Angelina Ermakov, Agência Espacial Canadense – CSA
21th October – Wednesday
11:30 - 12:30
What to expect for the Space Sector?
In the last decades, space exploration has enabled society to advance with new technologies. What about the next steps? Trends and predictions for the space sector are part of this panel.
Paulo Eduardo Vasconcellos, Agência Espacial Brasileira – AEB
Kevin O´Connell, Departamento de Comércio – EUA
Ricardo Conde, Agência Espacial Portuguesa – PSA
Valanathan Munsami, SANSA
Marc Serres, Agência Espacial de Luxemburgo – LSA
14:00 - 15:00
Space Mining
The resources found in celestial bodies can generate revenues of more than 170 billion euros by 2045. Watch and discover what companies have been doing and the advantages of space mining.
Danilo Sakay, Agência Espacial Brasileira – AEB/ Fundação de Ciência, Aplicações e Tecnologia Espaciais – FUNCATE
Gustavo Roque, Vale
Kyle Acierno, iSpace
Mathias Link, Agência Espacial de Luxemburgo – LSA
22th October – Thursday
11:30 - 12:30
Space Value Chain
The global value chain has transformed international trade. Companies have distributed their operations around the world to gain competitiveness. And the space sector is no different. This panel will discuss how Brazilian companies can be part of the chain and what to do to sell abroad.
Caroline Colbert, UFRJ/EGN
Hebe Romero, Agência Espacial do Paraguai – AEP
Erin Siltman, Space Florida
Luigi Scatteia, PwC
14:00 - 15:00
New Applications
Get to know more about the Brazilian government procurement for innovation and space sector. Understand how it can improve the Brazilian space sector.
Prof. Andrea Cabelo, Faculdade de Economia – UnB
Flávio Augusto Corrêa Basilio, Banco do Brasil
Prof. Herbert Kimura, Departamento de Administração – UnB
Maria Teresa Lima, Embratel
23th October – Friday
11:30 - 12:30
How to bring space technology for industry?
Several sectors can benefit from the use of space technology, including the industry. Join the debate to know how to become a supplier to the space sector.
Leonardo Fares Menhem, Concert
Francisco Garonce, Galileo Information Centre Brazil
Marcelo Essado, EMSISTI Sistemas Espaciais & Tecnologia
Ken Davidian, FAA
14:00 - 15:00
New Approach for the Space Sector
Space Traffic Management is the set of actions to allow safe access and operations in space, as well as the return to Earth. Are there any official international standards to be adopted? This conversation will show how Brazil can contribute with the Management of Space Traffic.
José Moreira, Siemens
JR Francis, Relativity Space
Alvin Alexander, Orion Applied Science & Technology
Guillermo Lamelas Nogueira, Alen Space